Answers to Your VITAL2025 Questions

  • Who should attend VITAL2025?

    VITAL2025 is the premier event for hospital and health system leaders, bringing together top health care executives including C-suite professionals, operational leaders, and strategic decision-makers from essential hospitals nationwide. The conference provides a critical platform for discussing transformative issues that directly impact patient care, community health, and health care system innovation.

  • What is the recommended attire?

    Business casual attire is appropriate for all conference events.

  • Do I have to register for individual learning sessions?

    Prior registration is not required for the learning sessions. Learning session content is broken into four topical tracks, and attendees may opt to follow one track or choose from all tracks.

  • Need accommodations to fully participate in VITAL?

    America’s Essential Hospitals is committed to hosting inclusive and accessible events that enable all individuals to fully engage. If you require accommodations to participate in this event, you may request them during conference registration or by contacting events@essentialhospitals.org by June 3 to ensure proper coordination and arrangement of your request.

  • What are the dates and locations of future annual conferences?

    VITAL2026 will be held on June 10-12, 2026, in Minneapolis. 

  • I want to present at a future VITAL conference. How do you choose presenters?

    Our conference features sessions based on member abstracts and selected by member volunteers. We also present sessions developed through direct invitations by the association. The VITAL2025 call for abstracts is now closed. Visit EssentialHospitals.org often for more information on the VITAL2026 call for abstracts, which will open in the fall of 2025. 


Continuing Education

  • American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE)

    America’s Essential Hospitals is authorized to award preapproved ACHE Qualified Education credit (non-ACHE) for VITAL2025 toward advancement or recertification in the American College of Healthcare Executives. To apply continuing education hours toward ACHE Qualified Education credit, attendees should indicate their participation in VITAL2025 when applying to the American College of Healthcare Executives. A uniform certificate of attendance will be available on our mobile app and can be obtained by contacting events@essentialhospitals.org. We encourage you to use the uniform certificate of attendance to calculate your total number of earned continuing education units and submit them to ACHE.

  • Professional Development / Continuing Education Credit

    America’s Essential Hospitals is authorized to award preapproved category II (non-ACHE) continuing education credit for VITAL2025. This credit can be used toward advancement or recertification in the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE). Credit hours will be determined according to the conference program and content. Conference attendees who wish to have the CEUs applied toward category II credit should list their attendance when applying for advancement or recertification in ACHE. Up to 14.25 hours of CEUs can be awarded for VITAL2025, and a uniform certificate of attendance will be available at VITAL2025 for attendees to take, self-calculate their hours, and submit to ACHE.


  • Accommodations

    America’s Essential Hospitals is committed to hosting inclusive and accessible events that enable all individuals to fully engage. If you require accommodations to participate in this event, you may request them during conference registration or by contacting events@essentialhospitals.org by June 3 to ensure proper coordination and arrangement of your request.

  • Quiet Room

    VITAL2025 provides a quiet room for all attendees, which will be open throughout the conference, beginning at 4 p.m. on June 11. The quiet room is a space for attendees to take a break, reduce sensory overload, or practice mindfulness and reset. Phone usage is discouraged.


  • Greater Use of Recycled Materials

    Lanyards are recyclable and made from recycled or sustainable materials. We also provide bins for collecting badge holders, which the facilities dispose of properly.

  • Reduce Paper

    America’s Essential Hospitals stopped printing conference materials after 2019. All conference materials can now be found on our mobile app.

  • Reduce Waste

    America’s Essential Hospitals reduced the availability of plastic water bottles and instead provides greater access to water coolers and pitchers throughout the meeting space.

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